Hi there fellow microwave hiders! Today, I, Duber McDonald, would like to share with you some of the best tips on how to hide a microwave!
Hiding Small Items are Easier than Hiding Large Ones
The first tip: invest into a mini microwave. It’s really easy to hide small microwaves in small spaces around the city like pavement cracks. I of course, can’t afford microwaves as I’m already severely in debt because of the negative tips I receive but maybe you’re actually getting tipped and can purchase a microwave.
Make Your Hiding Place as Inconspicious as Possible
If you can’t find a large enough hole in the pavement, try to cover your microwave up with a blanket. Personally I recommend blankets of these colours:
Image source: Neon Is My Favorite Color Color Palette - Color Name Finder
In my personal experience, if you add a bright, flashing neon sign saying “there are no microwaves here” then people will assume there are no microwaves in the area and leave you alone.
Lock Your Microwaves
Invest in a good, sturdy lock for a safe you can lock your microwave in. Once again, my debt is too severe to be able to afford a lock but I heard some really good lock combinations are 1234
, 1111
, 0000
, 1212
, 7777
, 1112
, and 1122
and some good passwords are: 123456
, 123456789
, password
, qwerty
, picture1
, and 12345678
Sources: Here Are The Top 20 Most Common Pin Codes in The World, The password hall of shame (and 10 tips for better password security)
Hiding Other Irrelevant Things With Your Microwave
It's really fun to hide completely irrelevant things with your microwave because you know your microwave is in a secure spot which means all of your other things will also be in a secure spot!
Now, I know you came here for a flag so here's your flag: rhcsctf{so_c4N_y0U_h1d3_yoUR_m1cR0wAv3?}Conclusion
I’m sure you’re now a master microwave hider! Enjoy hiding microwaves around your city!