Hello again my friends, Duber McDonald here with yet another article to educate and nourish your minds! So like, Zuckerberg is pretty overrated right? Anyways I just thought a chatting app was a little boring and it’s not like the app failed harder than hiding my microwaves or anything. Recently I’ve just happened to be taking some therapeutic group painting classes and I had this great idea: “What’s greater than creating? Creating with your friends of course!” Ladies and gentlemen may I present to you the future of the fine arts, DuberPaint! Make rooms, share join codes with your friends, and paint it up before you download your masterful works of art! It turns out employing high school students without paying them didn’t really turn out so well so I decided to change up my staff, instead I’ve built a highly-skilled task force of high school students turned lazy from summer break! I mean, what could possibly go wrong with this great idea of mine?
blog credits to Damon Ma